我公司致力于三個業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域:濾網(wǎng)&過濾布; 濾帶.空氣過濾產(chǎn)品主要用于過濾、篩分和傳送行業(yè),適用的過濾機(jī)械有水平真空帶式過濾機(jī)、箱式壓濾機(jī)、立式壓濾機(jī)、圓盤式過濾機(jī)、真空轉(zhuǎn)鼓過濾機(jī)、帶式壓濾機(jī)、立式葉濾機(jī)、立盤過濾機(jī)、摩爾柱式過濾機(jī)、離心機(jī),燭式過濾機(jī)以及環(huán)保除塵行業(yè)用于有毒有害氣體和粉塵過濾的高溫陶瓷濾芯和褶皺濾片。
our screen and filter products include filter media, screening and sieving products created from synthetic, metallic, spiral and ceramic materials amongst others. Supported by in-house research and development capabilities and local technical support our products are designed to meet a wide variety of applications. We are proud to provide an extensive range of wet and dry filtration and screening products and fabrics to meet the needs of diverse industry sectors.
Associated my Products
?Compact Filter Elements 緊湊型過濾原件 CFE
?Dust Filter Bags 除塵袋
?Fluidized Bed Dryer Bags 流化床干燥帶
?Filter Press Fabrics 壓濾機(jī)織物
?Tower Press Belts 塔式壓濾機(jī)濾帶
?Horizontal Vacuum Belts 水平真空帶
?Drum, Pan Disc Covers 轉(zhuǎn)鼓、圓盤式
?Twin Wire Press Belts 雙纖維壓濾待
?Pressure Leaf Covers 葉式壓力過濾機(jī)
?Kelly Bags 凱利是濾袋
?Candle Filter Bags 燭式濾袋
?Centrifuge Liners 離心機(jī)內(nèi)襯
?Vessel Bags 容器袋
?Screening Fabrics 篩選織物
?Sifters& Connectors 篩機(jī)&連接器
?Venturis & Gaskets 文丘里管&墊圈
?Glass Fiber Matt 玻璃纖維馬特
?Cerafilo Hot Gas 高溫氣體陶瓷過濾器
?Cerafilo XS XS-陶瓷過濾器
?Cerafilo Green 格林-陶瓷過濾器
?Cerafilo Topkats Topkat-陶瓷過濾器
?Compact Filter Sleeves 緊湊型過濾袖套
?Filter Cartridges 過濾筒
?Test Sieves 測試標(biāo)準(zhǔn)篩
?Industrial Fittings 工業(yè)配件
?Filter Plates 濾板