上海益光包裝材料有限公司(Shanghai Yiguang Pulp package Co,.Ltd.),成立于2005年,是一家專營紙漿模型的科技型環(huán)保企業(yè),經(jīng)營范圍涵蓋各類紙漿模型的設計和生產(chǎn)。其以的技術,的品質和的服務贏得了國內(nèi)外企業(yè)廣泛的青睞與支持。我公司是生產(chǎn)各類紙漿模塑包裝設備及制品的綜合企業(yè),致力發(fā)展環(huán)保包裝工業(yè),以的設備、科學的生產(chǎn)工藝、的紙漿原料開發(fā)生產(chǎn)的、的紙漿模塑防震包裝制品,廣泛應用于電子產(chǎn)品、儀器、儀表、家用電器、醫(yī)療器械、機電產(chǎn)品、洗滌化妝品、食品等工業(yè)產(chǎn)品包裝領域,紙漿模塑制品以其良好的緩沖減震性能,尤其是可回收、易降解、的環(huán)保優(yōu)勢成為當今的綠色包裝,新型包裝材料—紙漿模塑包裝制品,是您的產(chǎn)品順應環(huán)保潮流,走向國際市場的佳選擇。我們熱忱歡迎貴公司來“夢中桃源”做客、考察、洽商項目合作開發(fā)的事宜!Shanghai YIG Pulp Package Co., Ltd. makes pulp molded packaging from recycled paper and cardboardInnovative. Integrity. Quality. Value. Leadership.These are just a few of the attributes that comprise a truly great company. They are also just a few of the elements that mark a quality product. Absolute and perfect, a great company is the living composition of its principles, its strengths, and all its dreams. Shanghai YIG Pulp Package Co., Ltd. is the very embodiment of such ideologies of perfection and excellence.YIG is a leading professional manufacturer and distributor of using recycled paper and recycled cardboard, we pulp, mould and after-press the materials into new formats such as protective packaging, retail packaging and industrial packaging. We can even make finished consumer products.Please contact our representatives and let us know how we can service your needs via email:jlh@yigpack.comor by phoneChinese: +86-21- 5823 0186 +86-139 0175 3083