GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE!!紹興一奇皮塑有限公司成立啦,地址在紹興濱海工業(yè)區(qū)新二村.生產箱包革,鞋革,服裝革,沙發(fā)革.歡迎中外客戶前來洽談!我們將竭誠為您服務!紹興縣際洲針紡織有限公司地處中國大的生產紡織基地,歷史文化名城-紹興。毗鄰時裝之都杭州40公里,國際名城寧波130公里,離蕭山國際機場僅30公里,離中國輕紡城柯橋10公里,地理位置得天厚,交通極為便捷。公司是一家生產各種針織面料的性針織企業(yè),擁有的技術。公司成立于2004年,地占面積50畝,建筑面積30000多平方米,員工130人。公司下設紹興市美日紡織品有限公司。公司擁有八十臺進口針織大圓機,且擁有自營進出口權。公司生產: 雙面系列:空氣層、羅馬布、雙面網眼、抽條布、小提花網眼、棉毛布、雙面提花布等。 單面系列:單面布、彈力布,珠地網眼、小提花布、汗布、彩條汗布、粘氨汗布,滌氨汗布,氨綸布等。 羅紋系列:1X1羅紋、2X2羅紋、法國羅紋、抽針羅紋、提花羅紋等。絨布系列:單面絨、雙面絨、搖粒絨、毛巾布、毛圈布等。 公司產品歐美,東南亞,中東,南美等地區(qū)。在客戶中有較高的聲譽。公司以“質量,信譽至上”的宗旨,以的品質,的服務熱枕歡迎國內外客戶光臨惠顧!Shaoxing Jizhou Textile CO.,LTD. was established in 2004. Its a corporation which product all kind of high quality knitting fabric professionally, we are moving in top into 2 years. After the 2 years we kept our profession and become one of the long-time favorites for customers.The location of our corporation is Shaoxing,Zhejiang which is the most development of fabric city in China.Our corporation has 32 needles, 28 needles, 24 needles and 19 needles advanced knitting circular knitting machines. Make all spacial products by customers"" special require which provide by samples and color cards.Our corporation has the export right, products export to America, western Europe, South East Asian, Taiwan, Hongkong and so on.""Quality first, credit sovereinty."" is our tenet. Welcome to our corporation and we are waiting for work with you!