興縣兆凱紡織品有限公司地處中國輕紡基地紹興縣楊汛橋鎮(zhèn). 公司地理位置,毗鄰杭州蕭山國際機場僅8公里,距離杭州繞城高速楊汛橋出口僅2公里,交通便捷。公司生產(chǎn)及加工各類家紡產(chǎn)品,擁有3.0米門幅特寬幅超聲波壓花機,多套縫紉設備.。公司主要以超聲波壓花產(chǎn)品為主,如被子,床罩,枕套,靠墊等,產(chǎn)品歐美及中東地區(qū)。公司始終堅持持續(xù)創(chuàng)新的原則,以的設備,的技術和優(yōu)良的信譽為客戶提供的產(chǎn)品.歡迎廣大客戶來電咨詢。公司地址和聯(lián)系方式如下.地址:紹興縣楊汛橋鎮(zhèn)經(jīng)編產(chǎn)業(yè)城電話:、89983339傳真:郵箱:zhaokaitex@hotmail.comShaoxing County Zhaokai Textile Co., Ltd is located in Yangxunqiao Town, Shaoxing City which is the Chinese Textile City. It enjoys advantageous geographical position with only 8 kilometers far away from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport and 2 kilometers from Yangxunqiao Highway Exit.The company is specializing in various kinds of home textiles. There’s a ultrasonic machine in 3.0 meters big width, and many sewing machines. The main products are ultrasonic products, such as ultrasonic quilt,bedspread, pillow cases, cushions ect. The products are sold to European market, USA and the Middle East.Our company enjoys high reputation in good quality of goods. Welcome customers to contact with us. Our address and contacting information as follows:Address: Yangxunqiao Town, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang, ChinaTEL:0086-575-89983338、89983339FAX:0086-575-89983337EMAIL:zhaokaitex@hotmail.com