州珠江紡織有限公司 我廠位于浙江省湖州市和孚工業(yè)園區(qū),那里是青山綠水、風(fēng)景宜人,交通方便。主要生產(chǎn)真絲面料、喬其絲棉類,品種繁多,特別是14654、14394素縐緞是我們的常規(guī)產(chǎn)品。廠里還不斷開(kāi)發(fā)各類時(shí)尚、新穎的面料,如緞條喬其、金銀絲喬其,緞條雪紡等各種品種。并常年與服裝廠合作,急客戶所急,想客戶所想,及時(shí)開(kāi)發(fā)客戶所需的各種產(chǎn)品。 在絲綢行業(yè)上,我廠已有了十年的經(jīng)營(yíng)歷史,現(xiàn)又增加了紡織廠,主營(yíng)各類棉紗:80支,60支,100支,16支(單、雙股)等。這些品質(zhì)優(yōu)等的高支紗,不僅適用于各類紡織行業(yè),近年來(lái)還大量適用于真絲面料的交織。The supply of Crepe De Chine, silk satin, Habotai, georgette, chiffon, silk woven products factory also continued development of all types of fashion, new fabrics and perennial cooperation with the garment factory, anxious customers anxious, I would like customers to think in time required for the development of a variety of customer products. In the silk industry, our factory has been operating for more than a decade of history, in recent years also applies to a large number of woven silk and cotton products. Welcome consulting, Pearl River Textile Co., Ltd. will serve you faithfully!